
I am Aditya, the one behind everything you have and are going to read at Dumblebots. I am an embedded developer and budding electronics engineer who also likes to dabble in web-development occasionally.
I also have some competitive programming experience from my high-school years, which made me quite comfortable with many data-structure and algorithms problems.
I started electronics at the young age of 10, with simple components and eventually moved onto Arduino and C/C++ programming in middle school. I also started learning programming formally (on my own) in C/C++ & Python. During this period I made quite a few robots, such as obstacle avoiding, line following, self balancing and continually improved my designs with each iteration. I also worked on many gadgets, such as a smartwatches, walkie-talkies etc.
During high school, I developed an interest in Competitive Programming and DSALGO, where I invested a majority of my time. As a result of this, I won a bronze medal in the Indian National Olympiad of Informatics. During this time, I also started seriously studying Embedded Development and Electronics.
This blog is a place where I can share my learning, build engagement with the world and also learn from others myself. As much as Dumblebots is a place for me to share my thoughts and experiences, it is also a place for others to share their ideas with me (and each other), so I encourage you to comment and discuss as much as you please.
You can find me on Github here, and on LinkedIn here, which includes other ways to reach me.